Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dan the Man Rigging the TV

Whooppeeee! Dan figured out how to get the internet on our old TV using the Wii!

Now, we can watch Netflix streaming and YouTube on the TV!

I'm sooooo proud of him! This is something he wanted to do. I could have easily prevented him from experimenting and doing it because I don't know how to do it, but I released him to try it...and HE DID IT!

I think there are many applications that I can't even think of yet, hey, I can view exercise YouTube videos in the TV room now, not just on my computer! Huh!

Thank you, Daniel, this will be helpful to our family.


  1. Thanks, Nancy! This has been a blessing to us as recently we watched "The Avengers" and have discovered "Mythbusters" on streaming! Yay Dan, indeed!


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