Monday, September 26, 2011

Rainy Day Burrito With Campbell-Thankful For Our Lifestyle Of Learning

My nephew is 16 months old. He lives about 45 minutes away and we don't see him all that often, so when my sister called this morning, I said YES. We had arranged a hot, sunny Friday a few weeks ago, but he had a fever so we didn't meet. Today I could tell she was feeling down because they cancelled a special trip because of Campbell's injury and it was a rainy, gray day-the kind my sister hates. When she called and asked if we wanted to meet for lunch, I jumped at the chance to invest in her.

I was looking forward to our day this getting back into the flow of our routine especially since we had a death in the family. John's dad passed away unexpectedly last week. I am SO grateful for my learning lifestyle that I didn't feel pressured to complete "school" in lieu of our real life. This past week, we've been free to help Gramma as needed without the false guilt associated with contrived academic schedules. And being able to be generous with our time with my sister today, was awesome.


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