Friday, September 2, 2011

Sarah-Prolific Painter

Sarah is very creative and has been asking for an easel. The new easel arrived! The new paint arrived! It was a beautiful day so we took the newly assembled easel out on the back patio. Sarah dove right in! Dan was inside but then came to join in! Sarah has been asking to paint standing up at an easel, so we did a little research and I'm really pleased with the easel we selected. Daniel liked Sarah's rainbow so much he did one of his own.

Easel is very sturdy. Took me awhile to put it together. I've purchased paints in the past and decided I wanted a good set that we could share and take care of and have for a long time. I decided on the Lakeshore Learning paints which have 10 colors and matching cups and brushes and paint cup carrier. Since we put aside a little each month for "curriculum" in our budget, we were able to make this investment for our family.


  1. These photos make me smile!!! You really know how to capture the spirit of each moment with your kids. Love, love, love.

  2. @AngelaThanks Angela, I appreciate your comments so much!

    My secret? I take THOUSANDS of photos. I'm not a great photographer but with so many pics, SOMETHING is bound to turn out blogworthy! :)


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