I'm just really pleased with our routines right now. We're in Season 5 Liberating Your Parenting Potential in the 7 Seasons to LYFE (Liberating Your Family's Education) pilot program.
Here's where we are in August 2011:
Morning Routine includes empty dishwasher, eat bfast, do bookwork (math worksheet, copywork worksheet), chore, brush hair & teeth, shower, get dressed-I read history (H. A. Guerber-Ancient World) and 2 short fairy tales from various sources
Lunch includes eating together and read aloud
Productive Free Time
Set Table-Dinner
I've decided our year starts in January and I hope to forget someday what grade the kids are in! The school system is artificial and contrived in every way...including the idea that one needs to learn a certain set of knowledge at a certain age! Silly! I think it really holds kids back.
My mother asked how homeschooling was going and commented today that she thought the kids seemed more "relaxed"...YES! They are becoming their true selves!
Amazing that we started this journey just a little over a year ago...I'm SO grateful to have found LOL!
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