Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling-Books for Breakfast Morning Read Aloud

Somehow we lost our way with reading aloud with several trips, Thanksgiving, then Christmas, then my Mom had surgery in January and I've just lost touch with reading the past few months. I can't decide to chock it up to the natural ebb and flow of life, or blame myself for not being more intentional. Regardless of what I decide about that, it's time to read!

I read to the kids for the purpose of enjoyment, therefore, I just can't put up with a boring story or one that drags on or is difficult to get into...thus, to reintroduce ourselves to daily read alouds, I have "The Chocolate Touch" by Patrick Skene Catling. Since we love chocolate in our house, I knew it would be a winner! And we ATE chocolate while reading this book!

I don't normally like reading aloud from the Kindle...not sure why, but I think I miss associating the book cover with the story. When I pick up the book everyday and read a few chapters, we see the cover artwork. I like that. We don't get the same effect with the Kindle. I did read this on the Kindle because I bought it the night before so it would be ready to waiting a few days for the library copy-oh the instant gratification!

One of my favorite activities is to search for books we might like. I have a line-up of five more books after we finish this one!

We are changing our read aloud time to the mornings before Table Time. We've decided to read just one chapter a day (but we read all 12 chapters at once and finished this today!) We're eating breakfast together, but I'm allowing lunch to be "floating" because of the projects, I don't want to interrupt and Sarah if often not hungry til later on. For 2014, I'm going to change some of my tags for simplicity.


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