Thursday, April 5, 2012

Today's Joy: Park Day!

What a gorgeous day! We tossed the bikes in the van (LOVING THAT!) and headed to our neighborhood park. I love this has smooth paths for bike riding. I can sit on a bench and still see the kids zooming around. When they get tired of riding, there are swings (which they rarely use!) and play equipment as well as basketball hoops and a little bridge, dirt path and tiny pond with a tree to climb and the popular tire swing.

We didn't do the park much last summer as the weather was cool and wet. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed watching my children this year. I have peace of soul I've never known before and it effected my visit to the park in a wonderful way! I loved watching the kids push each other on the tire swing and ride around on their bikes. Of course, any outing with Sarah involves collecting sticks! There's a stand of native currant (Ribes sanguineum)...both pink and white-drool!

The best part of a park day is having Dad meet us on his way home. :)

1 comment:

  1. Your post is so contemplative today. I love it! Great shots to capture your day, as usual, and I love seeing your whole family in the sunlight! Yeah!


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