Wednesday, June 15, 2011

New Routines On Paper

Early on I figured out I wasn't a "by-the-hour" type of scheduler for our homeschool day. I prefer blocks of time (which is what Marilyn suggests in her book Develop A Lifestyle Routine). I post a monthly calendar so we can see what "events" we have each month. And now I have my new time blocks up which really helps us move through our mornings.

Our mornings are very fluid. Sometimes we want to play cards together or read and don't always have breakfast in the same order so it is nice to have a list of what we want to accomplish. Here's what's our our morning time block looks like for now:
-put on one hour of worship music
-kids empty dishwasher
-eat breakfast
-morning chore
-do bookwork (right now that includes: math & copywork)
-mom reads: history (we're currently using H.A. Guerber's Story of Ancient World) and fun reading
-brush teeth & brush hair
-Daniel shower


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