Before I became educated about homeschooling, I had a lot of questions about how kids could possibly be "socialized" if they didn't experience the typical modern classroom model. By "socialization" I mean that if my kids aren't around other kids all the time then they won't learn how to get along in society. My thinking was SO WRONG! I have found that idea to be totally false because it is based on several false assumptions. In fact, I've found that the TRUTH is the exact can my kids learn to get along in society without the constant loving instruction and wise correction from me?
My friend, EG (a veteran homeschooler), told me when we first started to "not worry about what people say about socialization, it just isn't true. There are so many opportunities for kids who are schooling at home to experience relationship with others". I have found her advice to be true!
The classroom experience is certainly contrived and artificial...really nowhere in REAL LIFE is life like the classroom EXCEPT IN THE CLASSROOM!
Now I realize how seriously crazy this idea is...putting 25+ children of the same age in a room all day with one or two adults...I now call that "shared ignorance"!
Here's a few links about homeschooling and socialization that I read when we were considering educating our children at home. I continue to add links that I find interesting:
The Socialization Question
How Do You Answer the Socialization Question
It Does NOT Take A Village To Raise A Child
That is Which Not Seen
Various definitions of socialization go here:
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