Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Mom Reads-Free At Last-The Sudbury Valley School by Daniel Greenberg

Recently I posted about learning math HERE. That's when I put this book on hold and I'm reading it now...a book about the Sudbury Valley school called Free At Last by Daniel Greenberg. Excellent reading, love some of the true life stories! From the Sudbury Valley website:

"Sudbury Valley School is a place where people decide for themselves how to spend their days. Here, students of all ages determine what they will do, as well as when, how, and where they will do it. This freedom is at the heart of the school; it belongs to the students as their right, not to be violated.
The fundamental premises of the school are simple: that all people are curious by nature; that the most efficient, long-lasting, and profound learning takes place when started and pursued by the learner; that all people are creative if they are allowed to develop their unique talents; that age-mixing among students promotes growth in all members of the group; and that freedom is essential to the development of personal responsibility.
In practice this means that students initiate all their own activities and create their own environments. The physical plant, the staff, and the equipment are there for the students to use as the need arises.
The school provides a setting in which students are independent, are trusted, and are treated as responsible people; and a community in which students are exposed to the complexities of life in the framework of a participatory democracy".


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